自2011 年6 月底開始,泰國持續出現水患,超過三個月後,10 月16 日,泰國湄南河出現300 年來最高水位,全國56 個府受影響,其中11 個府災情嚴重,六縣200 鄉幾乎全部淹沒。
15 日,泰國總理英拉稱:「這是泰國歷史上,規模最大的洪水之一,損失慘重。」
自然資源和環境部官員警告:湧向曼谷及其周邊地區的水量巨大,估計大約160 億立方米,在不遭受大雨襲擊前提下,曼谷洪水仍需一個月後才能徹底消退。隨著洪水肆虐,避難所必須採「移動式」,所有避難所都已經在馬路上了。居民的安置,只能邊走邊看。
另一方面,同被列為世界遺產的古城「阿育他耶」,大約有100 隻鱷魚逃出養殖場,同時泰國自然資源部聯同漁農署設立了電話熱線,讓民眾報告在災區出沒的野生動物如鱷魚、老虎及蛇等蹤影。
截至10 月18 日,泰國洪災增至315 人死亡,近250 萬民眾受到洪災困擾。
泰國財政部估計,損失金額達39 億美元(約304 億港元)。
勞工部、勞工福利及保護廳指出,目前受水災影響的企業數目已超過1 萬,
分別位於15 個府內,受影響的員工人數逾35 萬,他們有可能無法取得全數薪金,甚至面臨失業。
其中包括尼康(Nikon)相機、先鋒(Pioneer)、新力(Sony)、本田和豐田汽車等公司的工廠皆被迫關閉,産業供應鏈遭重創,股價更遭拋售急跌。對部分日資企業來說,此次水災的影響甚至比日本311 大地震還要嚴重,日本八大車廠在泰國的所有工廠將全面停產。
泰國這場半世紀以來最嚴重的水災,作為全球最大稻米出口國,洪水沖毀國內100 萬公頃稻田面積,稻米產量失收約400 萬公噸。泰國白米出口商表示,政府提高收購價格21%,全球米價勢必上升。
21 日,泰國曼谷洪災告急,總理英拉終於承認首都無可避免會受洪水淹浸,並呼籲曼谷居民執拾家財到高地暫避。隨後,曼谷當局打開所有防洪閘洩洪,讓洪水盡快流入大海。此舉令洪水湧入曼谷市部分地區,大量洪水注入包括曼谷在內的五府河道網絡,將使多處低窪地帶嚴重淹水,並且情況更可能仍需持續一個月。
除泰國洪災外,九月下旬,中國持續暴雨,洪水共造成四川、陝西、河南、湖北、雲南、山東、貴州、重慶和甘肅等九省市、107 縣及922 個鄉鎮,共超過618 萬人受災,直接經濟損失達124.5 億元。
其中,四川省巴中市,遭遇160 年最大洪水,造成13 人死亡,並有數百萬人受災…
從本年3 月11 日,日本發生史上最猛烈的9 級地震,並引致福島核電廠爆炸,大量核輻射洩漏。
相距7 個月後,雖然日本政府多番聲稱東京及其他地區受核輻射影響甚微。
然而,10 月12 日,日本距離福島第一核電站約250 公里的橫濱市,檢測出每千克達195 貝克放射性鍶-90,是首次在該核電站100 公里以外地區,
檢測出活度超過100 貝克的鍶。
同日,在東京世田谷,不少名人和明星居住的豪宅區行人路上,檢測到最高每小時2.7 微希的輻射量,需要封閉及清除輻射物。
此外10 月17 日,在美國密蘇里州聖路易斯(Saint Louis)測到降下的雨水,
含從日本福島吹來的放射性碘Iodine-133,其中有居民用紙巾從汽車取來的雨水樣本測出放射性碘竟達每小時2.76 微希。
與此同時17 日,美國《紐約時報》報導,近日有民間組織自行驗測東京132 個地方的土壤後,發現其中22 處的泥土,每平方米含逾三萬七千貝可銫-137。其中,一座教堂附近的銫-137,更達每平方米150 萬貝可,這情況若在前蘇聯切爾諾貝爾核災中,已屬強制遷離的等級。
In neighbourhoods around Tokyo, volunteers for months now have been digging for answers, looking to
uncover the truth, as to how much radiation has make its ways to the nation’s capital.
Investigative journalist Kouta Kinoshita has been in a focal point of the effort.
調查記者Kouta Kinoshita 在努力下,找尋到重點。
He said the test results from soil sample analyzed in professional labs show dangerous hotspots throughout the city.
“There are many areas with high levels of radioactive substances. The levels there are same as in parts around Chernobyl where people had to evacuate.”
The need to evacuate parts of a sprawling capital of 35 million of once seemed an incredible prospect. But some experts say the possibility can no longer be ignored.
And mothers like Yayoi Linuma, are just one of hundreds believe their children are already suffering the effects. Ten year old Hannah has had severe joint pain in her arms and legs; deep dark rings under her eyes and extreme tiredness to the point she sleeps for hours during the day. All symptoms of radiation sickness say nuclear safety experts.
數以百計像Yayoi Linuma 一樣的母親,相信自己的子女已受影響。10 歲的Hannah 手腳關節劇痛,厚厚的黑眼圈及極度渴睡,甚至白天要睡幾小時。這全是核能安全專家所提及的輻射病徵狀
If it was just one thing, that it would mean something else, but all the symptoms came at once. When we left Tokyo for about this summer, she got better right the way.
The government’s own team of researchers downplayed the radiation risks, saying their finding shows the biggest threat is a public paranoia.
Regarding the level of radiation and its impact on human beings, there is not that much difference compare to before the disaster. A dangerous psychological, people are stress and anxious.
Experts around the world hold very different opinions as to how much radiation people can safely be
exposed to. The Japanese government sets the maximum 20 millisievert for a year. But new research
suggests even a tiny amount ingested into the body can caused severe illness or cancer.
Mika Noro spent the past 20 years in communities around Chernobyl. She had cared for children who fell ill with cancer or suffer growth defects. Most lived in the area where government scientist said radiation level were not a threat.
Mika Noro
花了20 年在切爾諾貝爾附近的社區,她照料患癌或有成長缺陷的小童,
I am bitterly frustrated and cannot forgive governments for their ignorance. We have seen first hand howchildren suffered. We cannot let the same thing happen in Japan.
What can not be argued is the young are the most vulnerable to the radiation. In Tokyo, hundreds of
expecting mothers are considering or have already chosen to leave.
For Yayoi Linuma, a move is not at the moment financially possible. So for now, she keeps her daughter indoor and only buys food grown outside the affected areas. Hoping it would give her child as normal and healthier life as possible.
但對Yayoi Linuma 來說,因財政問題不能離開。所以,現在她讓女兒留在屋內,只買受輻射影響區域以外生長的食物,希望能夠讓她的孩子盡量過正常及健康的生活。
另一方面,英國的核能專家Chris Busby,在今年的10 月3 日發表了一篇名為「福島縣兒童的輻射照射和心臟病發 」的文章和YouTube 短片。
We know from Chernobyl that radiation causes a whole range of diseases, one of the diseases it seems to
cause is a heart disease.
I want to talk to you about heart disease effects in children.
Colleague of mine Professor Yuri Bandashevsky. He became quite famous because he studies the effects of
cesium 137 exposure to children in the areas of contaminated by Chernobyl accident in Belarus.
我的一位同事Yuri Bandashevsky 教授,他為人所認識,因為他研究因切爾諾貝爾意外而受銫137 影響的白俄羅斯兒童。
He discovered in the late 90’s that the children who contaminated to only 20 to 30 Becquerel per kilogram,which is not very much, of cesium 137, would suffering Cardiac Arrhythmia, that the heart was not beating properly and suffering heart attack and dying.
他在90 年代發現,兒童只要受每公斤20 至30 貝可的銫137 的接觸,這是很少的份量,會產生心律不正,即心臟不正常地跳動,他們會有心臟病及死亡的危險。
It’s a very serious matter.
So, was not a question that leukemia, cancer, that occurs as well.
There are very high rate of heart disease in children.
So the children are manifesting heart disease which normally only found in old people.
So I start looking into this and what I found is extraordinary, which I would share it with you.
The heart of a child at the age of 2 to 5 is quite this size and at the age of about 10 is about this size.
2 至5 歲小童的心臟是這個大小,10 歲是這個大小。
We know from the measure we have been made, how many cells in the heart of a child.
Five years old child has a heart which is approximately 220 grams in weight.
5 歲小童的心臟大約重200 克,
A lot of it of course is blood, so if you take the blood out and it just leave the muscle tissue. There is about 85 grams of muscle tissue in the heart of a child aged 5. This is all data.
裏面有很多血液,如果抽去血液,只剩下心肌組織,5 歲小童心臟,心肌組織約為85 克,這全是數據。
Now we actually know the size of the heart muscle cells.
So we know how many heart muscle cells there are in the child’s heart.
There are about 3 billion muscles cells in the child’s heart. So this is a number 3 billion.
小童心臟有30 億個心肌細胞,數字是30 億。
What we can do is, we can put 50 Becquerel per kilogram of cesium in experiment. We put it into a heart muscle.
現在做一個實驗,我們將每公斤50 貝可的銫,放進心臟肌肉,
A Becquerel is one disintegration per second.
So we can see how many disintegrations, that’s how many electron tracks come from cesium 137 in the period of about a year.
因此,我們能夠看見有多少次分裂,就是一年之內,有多少電子軌跡由銫137 出來。
What we do is something very simple.
What we found is that, there are many many electron tracks traversing the cells that you can imagine.
And in fact it works out if only 1% of those cells were killed by the electron tracks from that low cesium137.
事實上,研究發現,只要1%細胞被這低濃度銫137 的電子軌跡所殺死。
If only 1% were killed, you would lose 25% all the muscle cell in the heart,
this is very serious because the heart is extraordinary organ, the muscle cell in the heart are autonomous,they just contract and contract and they contract for the whole period for the life of individual and everyday it pumps 7,000 liters of blood through the body, truly extraordinary.
心臟的心肌細胞是自主的,它們在人的一生壽命中不斷縮張,每一日將7,000 公升血液泵至全身,
We live 70 years. So this heart beats a way continuously for the whole of your life span.
我們活到70 年,心臟在我們一生之久不停地跳動。
But of course these cells are non-replaceable by large. It turns out that only 1% of these cells can be replaceable in a year.
So these cells get damage to a particular number of these cells get damaged, they cannot be replaced in a short period of time.
So, a year of exposure of 50 Becquerel per kilogram of cesium 137.
因此,一年曝露於每公斤50 貝可的銫137。
Incidentally, cesium 137 we know from experiment bound muscle. It is where it goes. It just like iodine goes into thyroid gland. Strontium goes to the bone and it goes to DNA. Cesium 137 goes to muscle, so, it would concentrate in the muscle tissue of the heart.
從實驗得知,銫137 進入肌肉,情況尤如碘進入甲狀線,鍶進入骨絡及DNA,銫137 進入肌肉,因此,它積聚在心臟肌肉組織。
So this child’s heart after one year of exposure to that level of cesium which is quite a low level, will have approximately 25% of the cells destroyed.
Now we would therefore expect to find the fact and the same effect that we found by Yuri Bandashevsky and it does seems from what people have been telling me about the children in Fukushima that they are actually suffering heart attacks.
現在,我們預期所發現的,應該與Yuri Bandashevsky 所發現的影響一樣,
2011 年10 月20 日,環保組織綠色和平在東京5 間大型連鎖超市,抽查60 個海鮮樣本,發現其中34 個樣本含有放射性物質銫-134 和銫-137。
21 日,日本東京電力公司再度宣佈,使用機器人在福島第一核電站2 號機組反應堆廠房5 樓證實檢測出可致命最高每小時250 毫希的強輻射。
啟示錄 6 章7 至8 節:
自2011 年6 月底開始,泰國持續出現水患,超過三個月後,10 月16 日,泰國湄南河出現300 年來最高水位,全國56 個府受影響,其中11 個府災情嚴重,六縣200 鄉幾乎全部淹沒。
15 日,泰國總理英拉稱:「這是泰國歷史上,規模最大的洪水之一,損失慘重。」
自然資源和環境部官員警告:湧向曼谷及其周邊地區的水量巨大,估計大約160 億立方米,在不遭受大雨襲擊前提下,曼谷洪水仍需一個月後才能徹底消退。隨著洪水肆虐,避難所必須採「移動式」,所有避難所都已經在馬路上了。居民的安置,只能邊走邊看。
另一方面,同被列為世界遺產的古城「阿育他耶」,大約有100 隻鱷魚逃出養殖場,同時泰國自然資源部聯同漁農署設立了電話熱線,讓民眾報告在災區出沒的野生動物如鱷魚、老虎及蛇等蹤影。
截至10 月18 日,泰國洪災增至315 人死亡,近250 萬民眾受到洪災困擾。
泰國財政部估計,損失金額達39 億美元(約304 億港元)。
勞工部、勞工福利及保護廳指出,目前受水災影響的企業數目已超過1 萬,
分別位於15 個府內,受影響的員工人數逾35 萬,他們有可能無法取得全數薪金,甚至面臨失業。
其中包括尼康(Nikon)相機、先鋒(Pioneer)、新力(Sony)、本田和豐田汽車等公司的工廠皆被迫關閉,産業供應鏈遭重創,股價更遭拋售急跌。對部分日資企業來說,此次水災的影響甚至比日本311 大地震還要嚴重,日本八大車廠在泰國的所有工廠將全面停產。
泰國這場半世紀以來最嚴重的水災,作為全球最大稻米出口國,洪水沖毀國內100 萬公頃稻田面積,稻米產量失收約400 萬公噸。泰國白米出口商表示,政府提高收購價格21%,全球米價勢必上升。
21 日,泰國曼谷洪災告急,總理英拉終於承認首都無可避免會受洪水淹浸,並呼籲曼谷居民執拾家財到高地暫避。隨後,曼谷當局打開所有防洪閘洩洪,讓洪水盡快流入大海。此舉令洪水湧入曼谷市部分地區,大量洪水注入包括曼谷在內的五府河道網絡,將使多處低窪地帶嚴重淹水,並且情況更可能仍需持續一個月。
除泰國洪災外,九月下旬,中國持續暴雨,洪水共造成四川、陝西、河南、湖北、雲南、山東、貴州、重慶和甘肅等九省市、107 縣及922 個鄉鎮,共超過618 萬人受災,直接經濟損失達124.5 億元。
其中,四川省巴中市,遭遇160 年最大洪水,造成13 人死亡,並有數百萬人受災…
從本年3 月11 日,日本發生史上最猛烈的9 級地震,並引致福島核電廠爆炸,大量核輻射洩漏。
相距7 個月後,雖然日本政府多番聲稱東京及其他地區受核輻射影響甚微。
然而,10 月12 日,日本距離福島第一核電站約250 公里的橫濱市,檢測出每千克達195 貝克放射性鍶-90,是首次在該核電站100 公里以外地區,
檢測出活度超過100 貝克的鍶。
同日,在東京世田谷,不少名人和明星居住的豪宅區行人路上,檢測到最高每小時2.7 微希的輻射量,需要封閉及清除輻射物。
此外10 月17 日,在美國密蘇里州聖路易斯(Saint Louis)測到降下的雨水,
含從日本福島吹來的放射性碘Iodine-133,其中有居民用紙巾從汽車取來的雨水樣本測出放射性碘竟達每小時2.76 微希。
與此同時17 日,美國《紐約時報》報導,近日有民間組織自行驗測東京132 個地方的土壤後,發現其中22 處的泥土,每平方米含逾三萬七千貝可銫-137。其中,一座教堂附近的銫-137,更達每平方米150 萬貝可,這情況若在前蘇聯切爾諾貝爾核災中,已屬強制遷離的等級。
In neighbourhoods around Tokyo, volunteers for months now have been digging for answers, looking to
uncover the truth, as to how much radiation has make its ways to the nation’s capital.
Investigative journalist Kouta Kinoshita has been in a focal point of the effort.
調查記者Kouta Kinoshita 在努力下,找尋到重點。
He said the test results from soil sample analyzed in professional labs show dangerous hotspots throughout the city.
“There are many areas with high levels of radioactive substances. The levels there are same as in parts around Chernobyl where people had to evacuate.”
The need to evacuate parts of a sprawling capital of 35 million of once seemed an incredible prospect. But some experts say the possibility can no longer be ignored.
And mothers like Yayoi Linuma, are just one of hundreds believe their children are already suffering the effects. Ten year old Hannah has had severe joint pain in her arms and legs; deep dark rings under her eyes and extreme tiredness to the point she sleeps for hours during the day. All symptoms of radiation sickness say nuclear safety experts.
數以百計像Yayoi Linuma 一樣的母親,相信自己的子女已受影響。10 歲的Hannah 手腳關節劇痛,厚厚的黑眼圈及極度渴睡,甚至白天要睡幾小時。這全是核能安全專家所提及的輻射病徵狀
If it was just one thing, that it would mean something else, but all the symptoms came at once. When we left Tokyo for about this summer, she got better right the way.
The government’s own team of researchers downplayed the radiation risks, saying their finding shows the biggest threat is a public paranoia.
Regarding the level of radiation and its impact on human beings, there is not that much difference compare to before the disaster. A dangerous psychological, people are stress and anxious.
Experts around the world hold very different opinions as to how much radiation people can safely be
exposed to. The Japanese government sets the maximum 20 millisievert for a year. But new research
suggests even a tiny amount ingested into the body can caused severe illness or cancer.
Mika Noro spent the past 20 years in communities around Chernobyl. She had cared for children who fell ill with cancer or suffer growth defects. Most lived in the area where government scientist said radiation level were not a threat.
Mika Noro
花了20 年在切爾諾貝爾附近的社區,她照料患癌或有成長缺陷的小童,
I am bitterly frustrated and cannot forgive governments for their ignorance. We have seen first hand howchildren suffered. We cannot let the same thing happen in Japan.
What can not be argued is the young are the most vulnerable to the radiation. In Tokyo, hundreds of
expecting mothers are considering or have already chosen to leave.
For Yayoi Linuma, a move is not at the moment financially possible. So for now, she keeps her daughter indoor and only buys food grown outside the affected areas. Hoping it would give her child as normal and healthier life as possible.
但對Yayoi Linuma 來說,因財政問題不能離開。所以,現在她讓女兒留在屋內,只買受輻射影響區域以外生長的食物,希望能夠讓她的孩子盡量過正常及健康的生活。
另一方面,英國的核能專家Chris Busby,在今年的10 月3 日發表了一篇名為「福島縣兒童的輻射照射和心臟病發 」的文章和YouTube 短片。
We know from Chernobyl that radiation causes a whole range of diseases, one of the diseases it seems to
cause is a heart disease.
I want to talk to you about heart disease effects in children.
Colleague of mine Professor Yuri Bandashevsky. He became quite famous because he studies the effects of
cesium 137 exposure to children in the areas of contaminated by Chernobyl accident in Belarus.
我的一位同事Yuri Bandashevsky 教授,他為人所認識,因為他研究因切爾諾貝爾意外而受銫137 影響的白俄羅斯兒童。
He discovered in the late 90’s that the children who contaminated to only 20 to 30 Becquerel per kilogram,which is not very much, of cesium 137, would suffering Cardiac Arrhythmia, that the heart was not beating properly and suffering heart attack and dying.
他在90 年代發現,兒童只要受每公斤20 至30 貝可的銫137 的接觸,這是很少的份量,會產生心律不正,即心臟不正常地跳動,他們會有心臟病及死亡的危險。
It’s a very serious matter.
So, was not a question that leukemia, cancer, that occurs as well.
There are very high rate of heart disease in children.
So the children are manifesting heart disease which normally only found in old people.
So I start looking into this and what I found is extraordinary, which I would share it with you.
The heart of a child at the age of 2 to 5 is quite this size and at the age of about 10 is about this size.
2 至5 歲小童的心臟是這個大小,10 歲是這個大小。
We know from the measure we have been made, how many cells in the heart of a child.
Five years old child has a heart which is approximately 220 grams in weight.
5 歲小童的心臟大約重200 克,
A lot of it of course is blood, so if you take the blood out and it just leave the muscle tissue. There is about 85 grams of muscle tissue in the heart of a child aged 5. This is all data.
裏面有很多血液,如果抽去血液,只剩下心肌組織,5 歲小童心臟,心肌組織約為85 克,這全是數據。
Now we actually know the size of the heart muscle cells.
So we know how many heart muscle cells there are in the child’s heart.
There are about 3 billion muscles cells in the child’s heart. So this is a number 3 billion.
小童心臟有30 億個心肌細胞,數字是30 億。
What we can do is, we can put 50 Becquerel per kilogram of cesium in experiment. We put it into a heart muscle.
現在做一個實驗,我們將每公斤50 貝可的銫,放進心臟肌肉,
A Becquerel is one disintegration per second.
So we can see how many disintegrations, that’s how many electron tracks come from cesium 137 in the period of about a year.
因此,我們能夠看見有多少次分裂,就是一年之內,有多少電子軌跡由銫137 出來。
What we do is something very simple.
What we found is that, there are many many electron tracks traversing the cells that you can imagine.
And in fact it works out if only 1% of those cells were killed by the electron tracks from that low cesium137.
事實上,研究發現,只要1%細胞被這低濃度銫137 的電子軌跡所殺死。
If only 1% were killed, you would lose 25% all the muscle cell in the heart,
this is very serious because the heart is extraordinary organ, the muscle cell in the heart are autonomous,they just contract and contract and they contract for the whole period for the life of individual and everyday it pumps 7,000 liters of blood through the body, truly extraordinary.
心臟的心肌細胞是自主的,它們在人的一生壽命中不斷縮張,每一日將7,000 公升血液泵至全身,
We live 70 years. So this heart beats a way continuously for the whole of your life span.
我們活到70 年,心臟在我們一生之久不停地跳動。
But of course these cells are non-replaceable by large. It turns out that only 1% of these cells can be replaceable in a year.
So these cells get damage to a particular number of these cells get damaged, they cannot be replaced in a short period of time.
So, a year of exposure of 50 Becquerel per kilogram of cesium 137.
因此,一年曝露於每公斤50 貝可的銫137。
Incidentally, cesium 137 we know from experiment bound muscle. It is where it goes. It just like iodine goes into thyroid gland. Strontium goes to the bone and it goes to DNA. Cesium 137 goes to muscle, so, it would concentrate in the muscle tissue of the heart.
從實驗得知,銫137 進入肌肉,情況尤如碘進入甲狀線,鍶進入骨絡及DNA,銫137 進入肌肉,因此,它積聚在心臟肌肉組織。
So this child’s heart after one year of exposure to that level of cesium which is quite a low level, will have approximately 25% of the cells destroyed.
Now we would therefore expect to find the fact and the same effect that we found by Yuri Bandashevsky and it does seems from what people have been telling me about the children in Fukushima that they are actually suffering heart attacks.
現在,我們預期所發現的,應該與Yuri Bandashevsky 所發現的影響一樣,
2011 年10 月20 日,環保組織綠色和平在東京5 間大型連鎖超市,抽查60 個海鮮樣本,發現其中34 個樣本含有放射性物質銫-134 和銫-137。
21 日,日本東京電力公司再度宣佈,使用機器人在福島第一核電站2 號機組反應堆廠房5 樓證實檢測出可致命最高每小時250 毫希的強輻射。
啟示錄 6 章7 至8 節: